North Yorkshire County Council
Children and Young Peoples Service - Executive Members & Corporate Director Meetings-
Tuesday, 25 May 2021 / 1.00 pm
1 |
Apologies for Absence
2 |
Declarations of Interest
Items for Corporate Director decision |
3 |
School Term and Holiday Dates 2022/2023 (Pages 3 - 6)
To approve the term and holiday dates for community, voluntary controlled, community special schools and maintained nursery schools for 2022/23, as set out in the calendar identified at Appendix 1.
(Pages 3 - 6) |
Presenting Officer: William Burchill |
4 |
Approved Provider List for School Locality Boards across North Yorkshire (Pages 7 - 8)
To approve the procurement of arrangements to support the school locality boards which includes support in relation to inclusion and school improvement across North Yorkshire.
(Pages 7 - 8) |
Presenting Officer: Martin Surtees |
Any Other Business |
5 |
Date of future formal meetings
8 June 2021
Executive Members |
Officer attendees |
Presenting Officers |
Janet Sanderson Patrick Mulligan |
Stuart Carlton Howard Emmett M Sadler |
William Burchill Martin Surtees |